Raffi Feghali, Halim Al-Hakawati
Halim is the sole owner of Kitab Al-Hikayat - The Book of Stories. Legend has it that this book contains every story that has ever existed and that will ever exist in the world. Halim tells us the stories from it while we see them come to life.
BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages! SILENCE! Never mind you have never heard of him… HE is indeed the most famous Hakawati in the world… You’re just going to have to trust him on this! SADNESS! Halim pities you should you miss this opportunity to witness his telling of tales from the legendary Kitab Al-Hikayat - The Book of Stories!
- Vrijdag 7 maart 2025 20.15 - 21.30 uur
- Gratis
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